A Journey’s End

Please Excuse the bad writing. I can’t think clearly with the symptoms of the flu, despite no longer having a fever.

At the beginning of my Ted talk I was terrified and nervous as all heck as just 20 minutes prior I had lost my note cards and had to go print out new ones. Whilst trying to hook up to the collaboration room’s televisions I forgot how to change to mirroring on my chromebook, which Landon, helped me with. The problems did not just end there though, during the period in which you wait for people to file in, I started, as it was clear everyone who wanted to be in my session was there, which then led to me getting interrupted by the announcement to start.

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The introduction of my ted talk did what I wanted it to, it got the audience’s attention, and despite how bad my opinion is on my own writing, many people told me it was good. In my introduction I found that most people displayed attentive body language. Now on to the overall organization of my writing, was patterned and did get my message out, while also allowing me to put my own spin on it. In this organization I felt a majority of my transitions were extremely strong, and as such I cannot pick one single transition to be considered best.

In a speech body language is extremely important, and in my speech I didn’t even notice that I did it, and I was notified that during my speech I appeared extremely calm and confident, despite my true feelings. Also, as I have yet to see my speech on video, I have no clue what body language I used.

My speech also contained visuals, most of which weren’t very relevant, and whilst doing my speech, even in practice I always forgot to go past slide 3. In these visuals there was one visual that was quite relevant, a simplified recipe from the cookbook.

Sadly wordpress does not allow screencastify videos to be uploaded to the websites so I will instead include a link to the video.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FFpq9chbblzDKWMNiVhsN4RpPqGm1FV9/view

Now my conclusion in my opinion went extremely well as it was the part I was most confident about. In my conclusion I drove my point home and used pathos to affect the audience. All in all I found that in my opinion my conclusion was a strong point of my speech as the end is the thing that people tend to remember more.

You may be wondering, well was there a Q&A, and yes, yes there was. In my Q&A I was asked questions that were quite enjoyable to answer an allowed me to express my views on cooking and food. One question like this from Mrs. Sch####l (Just in case she does not wish for her name to be on here) “What is your favorite dish to cook?” led me to explaining how I see cooking different things to comparing apples to oranges.

In this project if I had the chance to redo anything I would personally change when I started and I would have not lost my note cards, and have given myself a mini-heart attack.

All in all I found that overall I was quite pleased with this speech and many people around me saw a new side of me, when I executed comedic timing, public speaking skills, and putting emotion into my voice, and yes that last one sounds kind of weird, but A little background knowledge on me is I typically speak in a monotone voice.

The Start of an Adventure

deed-clipart-boystirringSo far I have not accomplished as much as I had wanted on my children’s cookbook, I have managed to do a bit of research on children’s cookbooks, and developed a basic idea for a format of the book. I have been having challenges thinking up recipes and finding ways to post my cookbook online. Despite all of this I have managed to get into contact with someone who might help spread the word about the cookbook. Despite that I feel I will overcome these roadblocks

In the end I feel that despite having the basics of the book done, I still need to find more recipes to include in the book. To those reading this, if you would like to suggest a recipe, feel free to send me a copy of it. I want to include things that come from a community as well to show that cooking is for everyone, and not all of my recipes are from cookbooks and websites.

Thank you all for reading this and taking interest in my children’s cookbook. I bid you all adieu.

~Cooper B.


Sponsor contacted. ✓

A few recipes found. ✓

Basic book outline complete. ✓

A chef is A mixture maybe of artistry and craft. You have to learn the craft to really get there. – Wolfgang Puck
